প্রশ্ন: Premium শব্দের অর্থ কোনটি?
a. Contaminate
b. Condone
c. Best
d. Large
উত্তর: b
প্রশ্ন: What does ‘Humility’ mean ?
a. Modesty
b. Humiliation
c. Kind-hearted
d. Relating to mankind
উত্তর: a
প্রশ্ন: The word ‘Elocution’ means-
a. Depreciation
b. Appeal
c. Oratory
d. Legalise
উত্তর: c
প্রশ্ন: ‘Pedagogue’ means-
a. A school master
b. Demagogue
c. Insane
d. Droll
উত্তর: a
প্রশ্ন: The synonym of ‘antagonist’ is –
a. Quarrelsome
b. Opponent
c. Hyperactive
d. Belligerent
উত্তর: b
English, English Grammar, Narration:
প্রশ্ন: Karim said,”I cannot do it now.” Find out indirect narration.
ক. Karim said that he could not do it then.
খ. Karim said that he could not do it now.
গ. Karim told that he could not do it now.
ঘ. Karim said he cannot do it now.
উত্তরঃ ক
প্রশ্ন: He said to me, ‘which book do you want ?’ বাক্যটির indirect speech হচ্ছে–
ক. He said to me which book I have wante
খ. He asked to me which book I wante
গ. He asked me which book I wante
ঘ. He said to me which book I wante
উত্তরঃ গ
প্রশ্ন: Choose the correct speech. She asked me,”Are you happy in your new job” ?
a. She asked me if I was happy in my new jo
b. She asked me if have been happy in my new jo
c. She asked me either I am happy in my new jo
d. She asked me if I had been happy in my new jo
উত্তর: a
প্রশ্ন: Which one in the correct indirect narration? “Why have you beaten my dog”? he said to m
ক. He demanded me why had I beaten his dog
খ. He asked me why I have had beaten his dog
গ. He demanded of me why I had beaten his dog
ঘ. He enquired me why had I had beaten his dog
উত্তরঃ গ
প্রশ্ন: The chairman said to the members ‘Let us drop the matter today
ক. The chairman proposed to the members to drop the members to drop the matter that day
খ. The chairman proposed to the members that they should drop the matter today
গ. The chairman proposed to the members that they should drop the matter that day
ঘ. The chairman proposed to the members that they might drop the matter today
উত্তরঃ গ
English, English Grammar, Pair of words:
প্রশ্ন: STARE : GLANCE
a. gulp : sip
b. confide : tell
c. scorn : admire
d. participate : observe
উত্তর: a
প্রশ্ন: Wise : Foolish :: Vain 😕
a. modest
b. pretty
c. conceited
d. None of the avobe
উত্তর: c
প্রশ্ন: Class : Class Representative :: Country 😕
a. Head of the stat
b. Spokesmen
c. Member of Parliament
d. Mayor
e. Ambassador
উত্তর: d
প্রশ্ন: Composer : Opera :: Poet 😕
a. sonnet
b. couplet
c. edition
d. None of the avobe
উত্তর: a
প্রশ্ন: Predictor : Future :: Historian 😕
a. ancestor
b. museum
c. past
d. ancient
e. archaeologist
উত্তর: c
প্রশ্ন: Conscious: Careless::
a. Careful—Indefferent
b. Graceful—Ugly
c. Generous—Unkind
d. Well-informed— Knowing little
উত্তর: a
প্রশ্ন: “To get along with” means –
a. to adjust
b. accompany
c. to interest
d. to walks
উত্তর: a
প্রশ্ন: Peak : Atmospheric pressure :: Pitch 😕
a. tuning key
b. timbre
c. length of string it
d. None of the avobe
উত্তর: a
প্রশ্ন: Assert : Dissent
a. Affirm : Object
b. Reject : Disapporve
c. Acknowledge : Recognize
d. Endorse : Ratify
উত্তর: a
প্রশ্ন: Alone : Expiate :: Elicit 😕
a. evoke
b. illicit
c. exploit
d. None of the avobe
উত্তর: a
প্রশ্ন: FIRE : ASHES
a. accident : delay
b. water : waves
c. event : memories
d. wood : splinters
উত্তর: c
প্রশ্ন: Better : Worst :: Slower 😕
a. fast
b. best
c. quickest
d. None of the avobe
উত্তর: c
প্রশ্ন: Frightened : Scream :: Angry
a. Cry
b. Shiver
c. Shout
d. Sneer
উত্তর: c
প্রশ্ন: ‘Good’ is to ‘bad’ as ‘white’ is to-
a. dark
b. black
c. grey
d. ebony
উত্তর: b
প্রশ্ন: Child : Patient :: Nurture 😕
a. Nourish
b. Medicine
c. Doctor
d. Care
উত্তর: c
আরো পড়ুন:
- বিসিএস মডেল টেস্ট: অনলাইন এক্সাম
- বিসিএস প্রিলি সূচিপত্র (সকল বিষয়, সকল অধ্যায়)