English, English Grammar, Degrees of Comparison:
প্রশ্ন: The word ‘difficult’ in its superlative form ——?
a. difficultest
b. very difficultest
c. very difficult
d. most difficult
উত্তর: d
প্রশ্ন: He is —- in the class.
a. tall
b. taller
c. tallest
d. the tallest
উত্তর: d
প্রশ্ন: Choose the correct sentenc
a. My pen is costly than yours
b. My pen is costly to yours
c. My pen is costly from yours
d. My pen is costly with yours
উত্তর: a
প্রশ্ন: Choose the correct sentence:
a. Among my friends he is eldest
b. He is comparatively better today
c. He is better than all the boys
d. He is the best boy in the class
উত্তর: d
প্রশ্ন: Which one is the Comparative form of worst ?
a. Weaker
b. Worse
c. Worser
d. Bad
উত্তর: b
প্রশ্ন: Which of the following sentence is correct ?
a. He is one of the most rudest men I ‘ve ever met.
b. He is rudest men I ‘ve ever met.
c. He is one of the rudest men I ‘ve ever met.
d. Of all men I ‘ve ever met , he is the rudest
উত্তর: c
প্রশ্ন: Which is the corriect comparative form of Adjective ?
a. This book is not finer than yours
b. Your book is finer than this
c. Your book is as finer as this
d. None of these
উত্তর: b
প্রশ্ন: Mango is one of the sweetest fruits of the worl
a. Mango is more sweer than any other fruits in the world
b. Mango is sweeter than all other fruits in the world
c. Mango is sweerter than most other fruits in the world
d. Mango is sweeter than any other fruits in the world
উত্তর: d
প্রশ্ন: Which one is the correct sentence ?
a. Dhaka is the biggest city in the Bangladesh
b. The Dhaka is the biggest city in the Bangladesh
c. Dhaka is the biggest city in Bangladesh
d. Dhaka is biggest city in Bangladesh
উত্তর: c
প্রশ্ন: Prices for bicycles can run —– Tk. 2,000.00.
a. as high as
b. so high as
c. as high to
d. as high for
উত্তর: a
প্রশ্ন: Which one is an example of Superlative Degree ?
a. Least
b. Less
c. Near
d. Upon
উত্তর: a
প্রশ্ন: Choose the correct sentence:
a. He is the happiest child of all
b. He is the most happy child of all
c. He is a happiest child of all
d. He is most happy child of all
উত্তর: a
প্রশ্ন: Coose the correct sentence .
a. The house of our village is better than yours
b. The house of our village is good than yours
c. The house of our village are good than those of yours
d. The house of our village are better than those of yours
উত্তর: d
প্রশ্ন: I prepare my lesson —– than you. Fill up the blank by —–
a. carefully
b. most carefully
c. so carefully
d. more carefully
উত্তর: d
প্রশ্ন: Choose the correct sentence ?
a. This is the wisest plan of the two
b. This is the wiser plan of the two
c. This is the wiser plan between the two
d. This is the wisest plan among the two
উত্তর: b
প্রশ্ন: ‘Worst ‘ is the superlative degree of —-?
a. well
b. wrong
c. bad
d. None of these
উত্তর: c
প্রশ্ন: Children are wiser than their elders. Here “wiser” is–?
ক. in superlative degree
খ. In positive degree
গ. in comparative degree
ঘ. not in any degree
উত্তরঃ গ
প্রশ্ন: She is beautiful but she is —– her mother.
a. most beautiful
b. less beautiful
c. as beautiful
d. not so beautiful as
উত্তর: d
প্রশ্ন: Less students were present in the class than we had expected .(Identify the worng word)
a. less
b. were
c. in
d. than
উত্তর: a
প্রশ্ন: Which one is superlative form of ‘Little’ ?
a. More little
b. Lest
c. Less
d. Least
উত্তর: d
প্রশ্ন: Which one is not example of comparative degree ?
a. Upper
b. Less
c. Worst
d. Highest
উত্তর: c, d
প্রশ্ন: Choose the correct sentence ?
a. More your read more you learn
b. The more you read more you learn
c. More your read the more you learn
d. The more you read the more you learn
উত্তর: d
প্রশ্ন: Which sentence is correct ?
a. He is as good as mine
b. He is as good as myself
c. He is as good as me
d. He is as good as I
উত্তর: d
প্রশ্ন: Shakespeare’s play are as alive and —– today as these where in his lifetim
a. appealing
b. appeal
c. appealed
d. thre appel of.
উত্তর: a
প্রশ্ন: He is the —- teacher in the school.
a. good
b. bad
c. worse
d. best
উত্তর: d
প্রশ্ন: Which is the corriect sentence ?
a. He is a most perfect judg
b. He is a very perfect judg
c. He is the most perfect judg
d. He is a perfect judg
উত্তর: d
প্রশ্ন: Choose sentence is correct ?
a. One’s fingerprints are different from those of any other person
b. One’s fingerprints are different from any other person
c. One’s fingerprints differ from another person
d. One’s fingerprints are different any other person
উত্তর: a
প্রশ্ন: Nature is the —– physician.
a. good
b. better
c. best
d. excellent
উত্তর: c
আরো পড়ুন:
- বিসিএস মডেল টেস্ট: অনলাইন এক্সাম
- বিসিএস প্রিলি সূচিপত্র (সকল বিষয়, সকল অধ্যায়)