English Grammar-117

প্রশ্ন: ‘Do not shut the door’ বাক্যেটির Passive form হবে —–?
a. The door is not to be shut
b. Let not the door be shut
c. The door may not be shut
d. The door will not be shut
উত্তর: b

প্রশ্ন: Who taught you English ? বাক্যের Passive form হচ্ছে —–?
a. By whom were you taught English ?
b. By whom had you been taught English ?
c. By whom had you taught English ?
d. By whom was you taught English ?
উত্তর: a

এখনো amarStudy অ্যান্ড্রয়েড অ্যাপটি ডাউনলোড না করে থাকলে গুগল প্লে-স্টোর থেকে অ্যাপটি ইন্সটল করতে এখানে যানঃ Download Now. অ্যাপটি বিসিএস’সহ প্রায় সব রকমের চাকুরির প্রস্তুতির সহায়ক।

প্রশ্ন: ‘Let me write a letter’. Passive form is —–?
a. Let a letter write by me
b. Let a letter be written by me
c. Let a letter to write by me
d. Let a letter is written by me
উত্তর: b

প্রশ্ন: ‘Solve this problem ‘ বাক্যেটির Passive form হবে —–?
a. The problem is solved by you.
b. Let the problem be solved by you.
c. You are solved with the problem.
d. Let you were solved the problem
উত্তর: b

প্রশ্ন: Choose the correct passive voice of the following sentence: ‘All of his friend laughted at him’
a. He laughted at all of his friends
b. He was laughted at by all of his friends.
c. All of his friends had laughted at him.
d. All of his friends were laughted at him.
উত্তর: b

প্রশ্ন: Change the voice of ‘who is calling me’?
a. By whom am I called?
b. By whom I am called?
c. By whom I was called?
d. By whom am I being called?
উত্তর: d

প্রশ্ন: Identify the correct passive form of ‘ He did not tell the dangerous secrect to anybody ‘
a. The dangerious secret was not told to anybody by him.
b. The dangerious secret was not told to him by anybody
c. Anybody was not told about the dangerous secret by him.
d. The dangerious secret was told not him to anybody.
উত্তর: a

প্রশ্ন: Identify the correct passive form : Open the window —
a. The window should be opened
b. Let the window be opened
c. Let the window be opened by you.
d. The window must be opene
উত্তর: b

প্রশ্ন: What is the passive form of ‘Do it’ ?
a. It is done by you
b. Let it be done
c. Let done it by you
d. Let it by done (by you)
উত্তর: b

প্রশ্ন: Select the correct passive form : We insist on punctuality in this offic
a. Puntuality is insisted on in this offic
b. Puntuality be insisted on this offic
c. Puntuality should be insisted on this offic
d. Puntuality is to be insisted on in this offic
উত্তর: a

প্রশ্ন: “The man is climbing the cliff.” বাক্যটির Passive form হবে —-?
a. The cliff is climbed by the man.
b. The cliff is being climbed by the man.
c. The cliff has been climbed by the man.
d. The cliff was being climbed by the man.
উত্তর: b

প্রশ্ন: ‘Do away with it ‘ বাক্যের passive form হচ্ছে —-
ক. Let it be done away with
খ. Let it has done away with it
গ. Let it is to be done away with
ঘ. Let it has to do away with
উত্তরঃ ক

প্রশ্ন: The correct passive form of “you must shut these doors”is—
ক. These must be shut doors
খ. Shut must be the doors
গ. Shut the doors you must
ঘ. These doors must be shut
উত্তরঃ ঘ

প্রশ্ন: He was helping m
e. The correct passive form is:
ক. I was helped by him
খ. I had been helped by him
গ. I have been helped by him
ঘ. I was being helped by him
উত্তরঃ ঘ

প্রশ্ন: He took me ther
e. The passive voice is —–?
a. I was taken there by him
b. I was to be taken there by him
c. I should be taken there by him
d. He was trying to take me ther
উত্তর: a

প্রশ্ন: ‘ Did you eat mango ? বাক্যেটির Passive form হবে —–?
a. The mango was eaten by you ?
b. Was the mango eaten by you ?
c. By you was the mango eaten ?
d. Was the mango by you eaten ?
উত্তর: b

প্রশ্ন: My uncle looks after me . Passive form is —–?
a. I was looked after by my uncle
b. I am looked after by my uncle
c. I am being looked after by my uncle
d. I am looking after by my uncle
উত্তর: b

প্রশ্ন: Which one is the correct passive form ?
a. He should have been helped by you
b. He ought to have been helped by you
c. He would have been helped by you
d. He got to have been helped by you
উত্তর: a

প্রশ্ন: ‘ Few soldiers were evacuating the standard people’. its passive form is –?
a. The standard people were evacuated by few soldiers
b. The standard people have been evacuated by few soldiers
c. The standard people were evacuated by few soldiers
d. The standard people were evacuated by few soldiers
উত্তর: d

প্রশ্ন: Identify the right passive voice of ‘It is impossible to do this’.
ক. This is impossible to be done
খ. Doing this is impossible
গ. This is must be done
ঘ. This can’t be done
উত্তরঃ ক

প্রশ্ন: ‘Who broke the pencil ? what is the passive form of this sentence?
a. By whom the pencil was broken ?
b. By whom was the pencil broken ?
c. The pencil was broken by whom ?
d. Who was broken the pencil ?
উত্তর: b

প্রশ্ন: Identify the correct passive form : Open the door —?
a. The door be opened
b. Let the door be opened
c. The door must be opened
d. The door should be opened
e. You should open the door
উত্তর: b

প্রশ্ন: ‘Let us write a letter’. বাক্যেটির Passive form হবে —–?
a. Let a letter to write by us
b. Let a letter be wrote by us
c. Let a letter be written by us
d. Let a letter be written by us
উত্তর: d

প্রশ্ন: ‘Who killed the man ? বাক্যেটির Passive form হবে —–?
a. The man was killed by whom ?
b. Was the man killed by whom ?
c. By whom the man was killed ?
d. By whom was the man killed ?
উত্তর: d

প্রশ্ন: “The science exhibition was opened by the Education Minister.” এর Active form কি ?
a. was opening the Science exhibition
b. opened the Science exhibtion
c. has opened the Science exhibtion
d. had opened the Science exhibtion
উত্তর: b

প্রশ্ন: ‘The cow gives us milk ‘ বাক্যেটির Passive form হবে —–?
a. We are being given milk by the cow
b. We were given milk by the cow
c. Milk is given to us by the cow
d. Milk is being given to us by the cow
উত্তর: c

প্রশ্ন: “Who planted this tree here?” The correct passive voice of this sentence is
ক. By whom the tree was planted here?
খ. Who the tree had been planted hereby?
গ. The tree was planted here by whom?
ঘ. By whom had the tree been planted here?
ঙ. By whom was this tree planted here?
উত্তরঃ ঙ

প্রশ্ন: Which one is the active voice of ‘ We shall be blammed ‘
a. Everyone shall blame us
b. Everyone blames us
c. Everyone will blame us
d. Everyone is blaming us
উত্তর: c

প্রশ্ন: “His behaviour annoys me sometimes”. বাক্যের Passive form হচ্ছে —–?
a. Sometimes I am annoyed at his behaviour.
b. Sometimes I am annoyed to his behaviour.
c. I was annoyed sometimes at his behaviour.
d. I am annoyed sometimes at his behaviour.
উত্তর: a

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